Gigant Strip curtains are the most versatile solution when you need a draught free opening or need to dampen noise.
To be fitted on the wall or ceiling. Available in three different strip widths; 200, 300 and 400 mm. Assembly fittings included. Also available in sliding design.
Examples of application areas include machine screening, workplace screening, welding bay screening, freezer rooms and external doors. Strip curtain for welding bay screens are bronze coloured and minimises the risk of injury from arc rays. For freezer rooms the strip curtain is available in polar quality which keeps out the extreme cold.
The strip curtains are available in; anti-static transparent, transparent, polar and bronze design and in thicknesses of; 2, 3 and 4mm.
Strips with 50 mm overlap for assembly up to 2500 mm in height internally, a 100 mm overlap should be used for greater heights.
All workplace products featured in these catalogues can be ordered or quoted for, directly from Gigant UK website.